Home > Annual Giving

The Cowboy Caller Program

We Love OSU

See the Callers

The Cowboy Callers are students from all over campus that are employed part-time by the OSU Foundation. The students call for the Greater University Fund, the unrestricted fund, and donations are directed to any college. More often than not the Cowboy Calling students are the only voice of OSU the alumni hear, therefore, these students play a vital role in alumni communication.

The responsibilities of these students are: to reach as many alumni by phone or mail as possible; upgrade individual donor giving levels; update any alumni information such as phone numbers, addresses or work place; increase alumni enthusiasm toward their alma mater; answer any questions or concerns about OSU; and keep the alumni connected with university news as much and as often as possible.

The Coordinator of Annual Giving Programs, Kendra Pals (kpals@osuf.org) supervises the students. The program runs 10 months out of the year, calling five nights each week, Sunday to Thursday. There are approximately 65 to 85 students employed during the fall and spring semesters, and around 30 during the summer session. For the fall and spring semesters, a pre-caller post card is sent to alumni that will be called. The main reason for this mailing is to let the alumnus know they will receive a call from the “cowboy callers” and explain the reason they are being called. Another reason is to confirm addresses, which allows callers to make the changes before they call.

Student’s incentives include: bonus hours awarded to those who continually bring in additional funds, (a little friendly competition with their peers), flexible schedule, friendly atmosphere, and the feeling of helping their university raise funds for scholarships, research, and faculty support. The mission of the Cowboy Callers is the same as the OSU Foundation, “To secure and manage private support for the Oklahoma State University system.” Click here to give.

New 2004-2005 Car Decals were sent out in October.
     Address: PO Box 1749, Stillwater, OK 74076-1749 | Phone: (405) 385-5100, (800) 622-4678 | Fax: (405) 385-5103 | info@osuf.org