Home > Estate Planning > The OSU Heritage Society

The OSU Heritage Society Plate The Heritage Society honors alumni and friends who make a commitment to Oklahoma State University by will, revocable living trust, life insurance, life-income gift, beneficiary designation on a retirement account or other deferred gift arrangement.

Qualifying commitments may be of any amount, and may be directed to support programs of the donor’s choice on any campus of Oklahoma State University. Donors are encouraged to consider gift designations that provide as much flexibility as possible to meet the changing needs of the future.

To receive life membership in the Heritage Society, simply notify the Foundation in writing of your qualifying deferred gift provision. In recognition of their special relationship with the University, members will receive:

  • A distinctive commemorative plate
  • Invitations to major campus events
  • Special informational publications
  • Recognition on Heritage Society honor roll (if desired)
Most importantly, Heritage Society members will have the satisfaction of knowing that they have left an enduring legacy and helped shape Oklahoma State University for the next generation.

We encourage those who may already have provided for OSU through a deferred gift plan to share this information with the OSU Foundation Planned Giving Office. By doing so, donors can be assured that their gifts are styled appropriately to provide maximum benefit for the University.

If you are considering such a gift, we will be glad to provide any needed information to your attorney or other advisors on a confidential basis.

A note about confidentiality: All information about gift arrangements is held in strictest confidence. No information about gift plans already in place or about inquiries regarding potential gifts will be revealed without the expressed consent of the donor. Names of Heritage Society members will be published in the honor roll only after written permission is received.

OSU Alumnus Presents Unprecedented Gift to the College of Business Administration

     Address: PO Box 1749, Stillwater, OK 74076-1749 | Phone: (405) 385-5100, (800) 622-4678 | Fax: (405) 385-5103 | info@osuf.org