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The President's Distinguished Scholarship
The President's Distinguished Scholarship (PDS) is one of the most prestigious undergraduate scholarships at Oklahoma State University. This four-year award assists students with the expenses of tuition, room and board, and books. Recipients of this $2,200 per year scholarship must possess outstanding academic credentials and strong leadership capabilities. Once attending OSU, students must continue to meet the strict academic standards established for the PDS program to retain the scholarship. A minimum endowment of $55,000 will establish a PDS.

The Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
The Distinguished Graduate Fellowship (DGF) provides scholarly recognition and financial support to those considered to be among the nation's top graduate school applicants. It is important to Oklahoma State University to attract the best graduate students as they contribute significantly to important research projects. And because of this fellowship program, students are able to look at Oklahoma State University as an institution that not only provides excellent graduate level instruction, but also provides a competitive form of financial assistance. The scholarship provides a $2,200 annual stipend for one to three years, depending upon the recipient's graduate program. A minimum endowment of $55,000 will establish a DGF.

OSU Alumnus Presents Unprecedented Gift to the College of Business Administration

     Address: PO Box 1749, Stillwater, OK 74076-1749 | Phone: (405) 385-5100, (800) 622-4678 | Fax: (405) 385-5103 | info@osuf.org